Seahorses Hippocampes Seepferdchen Zeepaardjes Caballitos de mar Cavallucci Marini Cavalos marinhos |
Cavallucci MariniTroverete in questo sito quasi ciò che si deve sapere per i cavallucci marini (cavallucio marino), in modo che i tuoi cavallucci marini possano evolversi nelle migliori condizioni. |
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Mia BandieraCliccare per ottenere il codice Little seahorse Guimo becomes a father In this amazing adventure, little seahorse "Guimo" has to be strong by himself, as no one will teach him how to survive in the deep waters. Along the way, his instinct will guide him. One morning, he meets Ninette, a female seahorse "the love of his life". Weeks go by, both of them turn into beautiful bright orange adult seahorses. Finally, thinking back to when they were born, they decide to establish a new tradition with their children. Will all the marine life change? Who knows... This story is for seahorse lovers and children. Go to the bottom of author's page. C. Jimini Altri siti da visitareThe Seahorse Trust Protezione Cavallucci marini AnimalFocus Portale, tutti sugli animali. C. Jimini Video, animali protezione. Nicolas Perez musicista compositore Acquari Pubblici Cavallucci marini*Degli acquari pubblici non hanno cavallucci marini permanenti. |